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Rule engine algorithms

Rete Algorithm


📖 Popular and used in many rule engines like drools

📋 Use case

  • Designed for system that needs to apply many rules to many data

🛠️ How it works

  • Nodes of networks representing conditions and actions of rules
  • Network is traversed as facts are asserted or retracted

Decision Trees


📖 Flowchart-like structure where each internal node represents a test on an attribute

📋 Use case

  • Rule sets that can be expressed as a series of binary decisions

🛠️ How it works

  • Starting from root, the tree is traversed according to the values of the attributes of a given object
  • Decision in leaf node

Forward Chaining


📖 Starts with known facts and applies inference rules to extract more data until a goal is reached

📋 Use case

  • When new information is continuously added and conclusions need to be drawn from the data

🛠️ How it works

Rules are examined in sequence, and if conditions of a rule are met, the rule is fired and actions are taken

Backward Chaining


📖 Reverse of forward chaining, start with goal and work backwards to determine what facts must be true to reach that goal

📋 Use case

Situations where the number of solutions is small compared to the number of possible facts

🛠️ How it works

ALgorithm seeks out facts that support the goals

Rule Priority (Salience)

🛠️ How it works

Each rule is assigned and evaluated based on assigned priority

Hashing and Indexing


📖 Using data structures like hashtables for quick lookup and filtering of rules

📋 Use case

Fast execution required

🛠️ How it works

  • Rules are indexed based on certian key attributes